Friday, December 28, 2007

Tony Update - Day #9

Today is Friday, December 28, 2007, and this is Day #9 for Tony in the ICU at Ventura County Medical Center. He has made some good progress over the last 24 hours and is adjusting to his new "halo" (replaced c-collar brace around neck) and the removal of the breathing tube from his mouth/throat (moved to trachea). He's looking better every day and his sense of humor is very well intact even though he can only communicate through hand & eye movements and facial expressions.


Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We wish you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Tony Tony Tony,
The Bakken's are praying for your and your dear family.
You are an incredible man... (but of course that goes without saying because you are a Pedeferri!)
Please know that you are in many many people's thoughts and prayers and that we are sending all things healing and good your way!

Anonymous said...

Tony and Carrie, we're thinking of you and have you in our prayers. Please get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tony and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know all too well, the pain and emotions you are experiencing. Keep your spirits up, and stay the course. So many people care about you. It's a rough race, but we know you'll make it! Anything you need, we'll be there.
Sincerely, Randy and Laura Hosking